Welcome to Peeking Ninja Studio! 

To start off, our names are Jesse and Ivan, and we run and manage Peeking Ninja Studio. Together we are the brains and the creativity behind the scenes. We are a rather new group effort starting late December 2021. Our goals are to grow a community and to expand our studio over time and bring in more talented people to help us create other unique and beautiful creations. Stemming from that we hope that other artists in the field like our ideas and concepts and would like to collaborate to bring some very interesting mashups to the market.

We are avid gaming buddies and have been friends for over 7 years. As time went on we eventually became enthused with the idea of cryptocurrency. We started really learning about crypto a little over a year ago and have been trading and hodling ever since. After seeing the level of attention that NFTs booming popularity was bringing, coupled with these nerds love for a technical challenge brought forth a most interesting prospect. We wanted to create an NFT. So we decided to try our hand at making some art through coded random layer stacking. We hope you enjoy our first project, and we look forward to bringing more fun and interesting NFT collections to the market soon!